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Knative in Action PDF 下載

Take the pain out of managing serverless applications. Knative, a collection of Kubernetes extensions curated by Google, simplifies building and running serverless systems. Knative in Action guides you through the Knative toolkit, showing you how to launch, modify, and monitor event-based apps built using cloud-hosted functions like AWS Lambda.

2023-09-18 09:11:40
Python 字典dict

Python 字典dict

2023-09-12 10:43:29
Vert.x in Action PDF 下載

Intended for intermediate Java developers familiar with web development, networked services, and enterprise Java frameworks like Spring or Java EE. No prior experience in asynchronous or reactive programming is required. As enterprise applications become larger and more distributed, new architectural approaches like reactive designs, microservices, and event streams are required knowledge.

2023-08-23 11:46:59
深度實戰(zhàn)Electron開發(fā)本地音樂播放器 視頻教程 下載

深度實戰(zhàn)Electron開發(fā)本地音樂播放器 視頻

2023-08-18 11:14:20
Logging in Action PDF 下載

Logging in Action

2023-08-16 10:37:59
Elasticsearch in Action, Second Edition PDF 下載

本書主要展示如何使用Elasticsearch構建可擴展的搜索應用程序。書中覆蓋了Elasticsearch的主要特性,從使用不同的分析器和查詢類型進行相關性調優(yōu),到使用聚集功能進行實時性分析,還有地理空間搜索和文檔過濾等更多吸引人的特性。 全書共分兩個部分,*部分解釋了核心特性,內容主要涉及Elasticsearch的介紹,數據的索引、更新和刪除,數據的搜索,數據的分析,使用相關性進行搜索,使用聚集來探索數據,文檔間的關系等;第二部分介紹每個特性工作的更多細節(jié)及其對性能和可擴展性的影響,以便對核心功能進行產品化,內容主要涉及水平擴展和性能提升等。此外,本書還有6個附錄(網上下載),提供了讀者應該知道的特性,展示了關于地理空間搜索和聚集,如何管理Elasticsearch插件,學習在搜索結果中如何高亮查詢單詞,在生產環(huán)境中用來協助管理Elasticsearch的第三方的監(jiān)控工具有哪些,如何使用Percolator過濾為多個查詢匹配少量文檔,如何使用不同的建議器來實現自動完成的功能。

2023-08-16 10:33:38
Wxpython in Action PDF 下載

Wxpython in Action

2023-08-15 10:59:13
Activiti in Action PDF 下載

Activiti, an open source process engine, uses Business ProcessModel and Notation to provide a standard way to capture businessprocesses and to convert those models into executable code. It'slightweight and integrates seamlessly with standard applicationsoftware such as Spring. Also included is a set of design andmanagement tools that even helps developers who have never used aprocess engine get productive quickly.

2023-08-13 09:58:35

Pytesseract是一個Python的OCR庫,它可以識別圖片中的文本并將其轉換成文本形式。Pytesseract基于Google的Tesseract OCR引擎,具有較高的準確性和可靠性。它可以讀取多種格式的圖片,包括PNG、JPEG、GIF等。Pytesseract可以應用于自然語言處理、數據挖掘、OCR識別等領域。

2023-07-13 11:44:15
Flink in Action PDF 下載

Flink in Action PDF

2023-07-10 11:20:28