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How JavaScript Works PDF 下載
匿名網(wǎng)友發(fā)布于:2023-12-21 10:09:25

How JavaScript Works PDF 下載  圖1








Number (not number, the initial uppercase N is significant) is a function that can make
numbers. Numbers in JavaScript are immutable objects. The typeof operator returns
"number" (the initial lowercase n is significant) when given a number. You should
never use the new prefix with the Number function. It does not do what you might think
it should do.
const goocLexample = Number("432");
const bacLexample = new Number("432");
typeof goocLexample
// "number"
typeof bacLexample
// "object"
goocLexample === bacLexample
Number is also a container of some constants. These constants can provide insight into
the workings of numbers.
Number.EPSILON is exactly 2.220446049250313080847263336181640625e-16. It is the
smallest positive number that, when added to 1, produces a sum that is larger than
1. Adding any positive number that is less than Number.EPSILON to 1 produces a sum
that is exactly 1. It should seem absurd that adding a number that is not 0 to 1 yields
1. This is not due to a bug or design error in JavaScript. All fixed size floating point
systems have such weirdness, including IEEE 754. It is a reasonable tradeoff.
Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is exactly 9007199254740991, or about 9 quadrillion in the
modern illion idiom. JavaScript does not have or need an integer type because its
number type can exactly represent all of the integers up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
JavaScript has 54 bit signed integers within its number type.2.3
How Numbers Work
Adding 1 to an integer that is larger than Number. MAX_SAFE_INTEGER has the same effect
as adding 0 to that large number. JavaScript is capable of exact integer arithmetic
so long as all of the values and results and intermediate results are integers that lie
between -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Within that range,
conventional mathematical reasoning can hold. The Associative Law and Distributed
Law are in effect. Outside of that range, things are more chaotic. For example, the
order in which you add a sequence of numbers can change the sum. So, ((0.1
+ 0.2) + 0.3) produces a larger result than (0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3)). Number
. isSafe!nteger(num&er) returns true if the number is in the safe range.
Number. islnteger(num&er) returns true if the number is an integer in the safe range
or ifit is above the safe range. All numbers greater than Number. MAX_SAFE_INTEGER are
considered to be integers. Some of them are exactly correct. Most of them are not.
Number.MAX_VALUE contains the largest number that JavaScript can represent. It is
exactly Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER * 2 ** 971 or
which is 1 followed by 308 digits. Most of that is phantom significance. These numbers
can provide 15.9 digits of significance. The trailing 292 digits are an illusion caused
by base 2 beating against base 10.
Adding any positive safe integer to Number.MAX_VALUE produces a sum that is also
Number.MAX_VALUE. It is likely that if a program produces a result that is Number
.MAX_VALUE then the program is in error. Any result that exceeds Number
.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is suspect. The IEEE 754 standard promises the potential of
enormous range, but without extraordinary care, it is more likely to lead to mistakes.
Number.MIN.VALUE is the smallest number that can be represented that is larger than
zero. It is exactly equal to 2 ** -1074 or
All positive numbers that are smaller than Number.MIN.VALUE are indistinguishable
from zero. Note that the significand of Number.MIN.VALUE contains only a single bit in
the least significant position. That lonely bit produces a lot of phantom significance.
Number.prototype is an object that all numbers inherit from. Number.prototype
contains a set of methods. Unfortunately, it is not a very useful set of methods.