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Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt PDF 下載
匿名網(wǎng)友發(fā)布于:2023-08-08 11:26:07

Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt PDF 下載  圖1






The Structure of the Book
The book is divided into four parts. Part I is primarily a rapid conversion course
aimed at non-Python programmers who are familiar with an object-oriented
language, although it also has some (clearly marked) PyQt content. Because
the core Python language is mostly simple and is quite small, these chapters
can teach the basics of Python to a suffificient extent that real Python applica
tions can be written.
If you think that you can pick up the Python syntax simply through reading
it, you might be tempted to skip Part I and dive straight into the GUI pro
gramming that begins in Part II. The early chapters in Part II include back
references to the relevant pages in Part I to support readers who choose this
approach. However, even for readers familiar with Python, we recommend
reading about QString in Chapter 1. If you are unfamiliar with partial function
application (currying), it is important to read the subsection that covers this in
Chapter 2, since this technique is sometimes used in GUI programming.