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匿名網(wǎng)友發(fā)布于:2023-07-15 10:13:19





hat would you suggest if you were the author of this book? Will you let the AI write the whole manual for you or will you sit with the AI, study it like it’s the secret to immortality and then meticulously write out a manual for nonfiction authors?
I picked the latter, and that is why this is the best book you will ever read on this subject matter.
Understand this – the world is evolving at a breakneck pace, and as a result, the tools that authors will wield to craft their tales is changing. ChatGPT and other AI, has begun to reshape the landscape of writing, offering a new frontier for those brave enough to explore it.
But I am no ordinary writer, I didn’t let the same AI do the heavy lifting of writing an AI manual while I idly sip my Coca-Cola. This book (manual) is the result of a deep-dive into the world of ChatGPT, an intensive three-week exploration during which I spent six hours each day, save for Saturdays, delving into every aspect of this powerful tool.
At the cusp of any new era, it is always the early birds who reap the most
Those who bet their life earnings on the internet when it first became a thing are now billionaires. Those who jumped into the crypto ship when bitcoin was first launched are now millionaires. AI is the next big thing, and its ship its yet to set sail. You will be foolish now to come on board early.